We’ve all seen them before: slightly deflated, dull, and dirty tenders alongside otherwise pretty yachts. Taking care of and cleaning your tender isn’t a glamorous job, but it is necessary. In this article, we’ll give you some tips for keeping your tender looking ship-shape.  First, you should know what not to use to clean the surface of the boat. Bleach, ammonia, acetone, and other highly corrosive agents will damage the...
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Nautical vocabulary might seem silly at first, but it can be incredibly useful! Besides sounding like you know what you’re talking about, in case of emergency using the right term can save valuable time. If you plan on spending time on the water, you should take a minute to learn about the words of the sea.  First, directions on board are different than they are on land. Port & starboard...
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Cooking on a yacht can be tough. The galley is oftentimes not as fully furnished as a land-based kitchen, the space is usually small, and most of all, the boat rolls with the ocean! It’s difficult to put together a full dinner on a yacht sometimes, much less a giant Thanksgiving feast. So, in the spirit of the holidays, here’s all the places you liveaboards can go to dine on...
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So you’ve decided to pursue the liveaboard lifestyle. You’ve read up on everything nautical, you’ve decided which belongings to bring along and which to leave onshore, and you saved up enough to buy the perfect boat (and hopefully a bit extra for coustomization and maintenance). The next step is to choose the vessel that will become your new home. However, looking online reveals thousands and thousands of boats and just...
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Christmas is a wonderful time of the year, filled with love, hope, and joy. What could possibly make it any better? Boats, of course! If you’ve never seen the San Diego Bay Parade of Lights, you have to check it out this year. It’s sure to get you in the holiday mood, and beyond that, it’s simply beautiful.  Every year, yacht owners around the Bay illuminate their vessels with all...
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