We all have lines on our boats. Sailboats tend to have many more than motor yachts by virtue of their need to control their sails, but it’s important for motor yacht owners to pay attention to the condition of their lines. The las thing any skipper wants is for a line towing a tender to snap, or for the lines rafting two vessels together to come undone. Not to mention,...
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Many people assume that once they’ve purchased a yacht, fixed up anything below their standards, and obtained all the necessary safety and navigation gear that they’re set and ready to go. For some people this may be true, but for many a dedicated yacht tender or dinghy is invaluable. A tender allows you to get on the water quickly without the hassle of taking the yacht out of the marina,...
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Smelly head. No one likes a smelly head on a yacht…or anywhere else for that matter. What to do when you have the smell that just won’t go away and makes you wish there was no head on your yacht? Most of the time this smell, especially if it smells like rotten eggs, is due to an old fashioned system that uses salt water to flush the head. The reaction...
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