Phone : +52 315-100-9174
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Jason grew up in Southern California and his ocean adventures began 25 years ago, when he bought his first boat. Summers were spent fishing offshore for yellowtail, tuna, and dorado, and during the winter he was scuba diving for lobster at night. He moved from small power boats to
keeping sailboats in marinas. After teaching himself how to sail, he joined the Shoreline Yacht Club in Long Beach and learned how to race! Jason was a director at SYC and raced in Long Beach Race Week, Midwinters, and Newport to Ensenada.
In 2015, he sold everything and left on Volaré, a Herreshoff Caribbean 50, for Mexico on the Baja Haha. After sailing around Mexico for seven years and 18,000 nautical miles later, he has gained knowledge not only from doing it, but also from listening to the wisdom of those who had gone before him. He knows a lot more then just where the best tacos are! Jason runs the Sea of Cortez Sailors & Cruisers in Mexico Facebook Group, with over 3300 active members.
He has single-handedly sailed his Caribbean 50, but enjoys sharing his passion with others. He has hosted crew from more than 14 countries and has helped people find the perfect boat for them. There is no perfect boat. The perfect boat is unique as each person who is called to the sea is unique.
Sailing, racing, cruising, fishing, or diving, Jason has an advantage in finding the right boat for you, no matter what your desires are!